Perspective shift

“Chris Bangle Associates, The World Seen Through Objects” is a documentary about the creative and unfolding process of the "Inanimatti", a universe of characters born from the imagination of the design studio Chris Bangle Associates (CBA). Through the voices of the team's designers, the underlying thinking behind the animation project emerges. The perspective shift is not just a narrative device but becomes a design philosophy applicable to various fields. The infinite potential of this approach prompts reflection on the role of the designer and their relationship with the objects they design.

Photo and video: Lorenzo Morandi
Words: Chris Bangle, Lorenzo Morandi

“In my personal life, I started doing cartoon sketches at school and I've always liked animation. I was never satisfied with the sterile design approach of modernism, where everything is reduced to the minimum. These standard canons such as take away everything and what remains is the perfect design… for this reason for me cars are very interesting, because they still leave you room to introduce elements of personality. You can always carry objects to a higher metalevel”. Says Chris Bangle. “In the world, we often forget that we pay a price, in terms of sensitivity: our ability to always be surprised, our ability to be emotionally connected with something, even if we can't describe it. Like a character: you don’t need to always add eyes and a mouth to see a face, or an expression, and understand if this object feels joy or sadness, or keeps a secret.”

Chris Bangle has worked for approximately 30 years for some of the most important automotive brands, including Opel, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, and BMW, in the role of chief designer. He founded Chris Bangle Associates S.r.l., which operates in the field of design, design management, and business strategies.


Emotional dissonance


Strenghts and weaknesses